Important Capabilities
Capability | Status | Notes |
Asset Containers | ✅ | Enabled by default |
Column-level Lineage | ✅ | Disabled by default, configured using extract_column_level_lineage . |
Data Profiling | ✅ | Optionally enabled via configuration profiling.enabled |
Descriptions | ✅ | Enabled by default |
Detect Deleted Entities | ✅ | Optionally enabled via stateful_ingestion.remove_stale_metadata |
Extract Ownership | ✅ | Enabled by default |
Extract Tags | ✅ | Enabled by default |
Platform Instance | ✅ | Enabled by default |
Schema Metadata | ✅ | Enabled by default |
Table-Level Lineage | ✅ | Enabled by default, configured using extract_lineage . |
This plugin extracts the following:
- Power BI dashboards, tiles and datasets
- Names, descriptions and URLs of dashboard and tile
- Owners of dashboards
Configuration Notes
Refer Microsoft AD App Creation doc to create a Microsoft AD Application. Once Microsoft AD Application is created you can configure client-credential i.e. client_id and client_secret in recipe for ingestion.
Enable admin access only if you want to ingest dataset, lineage and endorsement tags. Refer section Admin Ingestion vs. Basic Ingestion for more detail.
Login to PowerBI as Admin and from
Admin API settings
allow below permissions- Allow service principals to use read-only admin APIs
- Enhance admin APIs responses with detailed metadata
- Enhance admin APIs responses with DAX and mashup expressions
Concept mapping
PowerBI | Datahub |
Dashboard | Dashboard |
Dataset's Table | Dataset |
Tile | Chart |
Report.webUrl | Chart.externalUrl |
Workspace | Container |
Report | Dashboard |
PaginatedReport | Dashboard |
Page | Chart |
App | Dashboard |
- If
is created from report thenChart.externalUrl
is set to Report.webUrl. - The
is unavailable for PowerBI PaginatedReport.
This source extract table lineage for tables present in PowerBI Datasets. Lets consider a PowerBI Dataset SALES_REPORT
and a PostgreSQL database is configured as data-source in SALES_REPORT
PowerBI Dataset has a table SALES_ANALYSIS
which is backed by SALES_ANALYSIS_VIEW
of PostgreSQL Database then in this case SALES_ANALYSIS_VIEW
will appear as upstream dataset for SALES_ANALYSIS
You can control table lineage ingestion using extract_lineage
configuration parameter, by default it is set to true
PowerBI Source extracts the lineage information by parsing PowerBI M-Query expression.
PowerBI Source supports M-Query expression for below listed PowerBI Data Sources
- Snowflake
- Oracle
- PostgreSQL
- Microsoft SQL Server
- Google BigQuery
- Databricks
Native SQL query parsing is supported for Snowflake
and Amazon Redshift
For example refer below native SQL query. The table OPERATIONS_ANALYTICS.TRANSFORMED_PROD.V_UNIT_TARGET
will be ingested as upstream table.
Source = Value.NativeQuery(
"select #(lf)UPPER(REPLACE(AGENT_NAME,\'-\',\'\')) AS Agent,#(lf)TIER,#(lf)UPPER(MANAGER),#(lf)TEAM_TYPE,#(lf)DATE_TARGET,#(lf)MONTHID,#(lf)TARGET_TEAM,#(lf)SELLER_EMAIL,#(lf)concat((UPPER(REPLACE(AGENT_NAME,\'-\',\'\'))), MONTHID) as AGENT_KEY,#(lf)UNIT_TARGET AS SME_Quota,#(lf)AMV_TARGET AS Revenue_Quota,#(lf)SERVICE_QUOTA,#(lf)BL_TARGET,#(lf)SOFTWARE_QUOTA as Software_Quota#(lf)#(lf)from OPERATIONS_ANALYTICS.TRANSFORMED_PROD.V_UNIT_TARGETS#(lf)#(lf)where YEAR_TARGET >= 2020#(lf)and TEAM_TYPE = \'foo\'#(lf)and TARGET_TEAM = \'bar\'",
[EnableFolding = true]
#"Added Conditional Column" = Table.AddColumn(
"Has PS Software Quota?",
if [TIER] = "Expansion (Medium)" then
else if [TIER] = "Acquisition" then
#"Added Conditional Column"
Use full-table-name in from
clause. For example dev.public.category
M-Query Pattern Supported For Lineage Extraction
Lets consider a M-Query which combine two PostgreSQL tables. Such M-Query can be written as per below patterns.
Source = PostgreSQL.Database("localhost", "book_store"),
book_date = Source{[Schema="public",Item="book"]}[Data],
issue_history = Source{[Schema="public",Item="issue_history"]}[Data],
combine_result = Table.Combine({book_date, issue_history})
Source = PostgreSQL.Database("localhost", "book_store"),
combine_result = Table.Combine({Source{[Schema="public",Item="book"]}[Data], Source{[Schema="public",Item="issue_history"]}[Data]})
is not supported for upstream table lineage extraction as it uses nested item-selector i.e. {Source{[Schema="public",Item="book"]}[Data], Source{[Schema="public",Item="issue_history"]}[Data]} as argument to M-QUery table function i.e. Table.Combine
is supported as it first assigns the table from schema to variable and then variable is used in M-Query Table function i.e. Table.Combine
Extract endorsements to tags
By default, extracting endorsement information to tags is disabled. The feature may be useful if organization uses endorsements to identify content quality.
Please note that the default implementation overwrites tags for the ingested entities, if you need to preserve existing tags, consider using a transformer with semantics: PATCH
tags instead of OVERWRITE
The profiling implementation is done through querying DAX query endpoint. Therefore, the principal needs to have permission to query the datasets to be profiled. Usually this means that the service principal should have Contributor
role for the workspace to be ingested. Profiling is done with column-based queries to be able to handle wide datasets without timeouts.
Take into account that the profiling implementation executes a fairly big number of DAX queries, and for big datasets this is a significant load to the PowerBI system.
The profiling_pattern
setting may be used to limit profiling actions to only a certain set of resources in PowerBI. Both allowed and deny rules are matched against the following pattern for every table in a PowerBI Dataset: workspace_name.dataset_name.table_name
. Users may limit profiling with these settings at table level, dataset level or workspace level.
Admin Ingestion vs. Basic Ingestion
PowerBI provides two sets of API i.e. Basic API and Admin API.
The Basic API returns metadata of PowerBI resources where service principal has granted access explicitly on resources, whereas Admin API returns metadata of all PowerBI resources irrespective of whether service principal has granted or doesn't grant access explicitly on resources.
The Admin Ingestion (explained below) is the recommended way to execute PowerBI ingestion as this ingestion can extract most of the metadata.
Admin Ingestion: Service Principal As Admin in Tenant Setting and Added as Member In Workspace
To grant admin access to the service principal, visit your PowerBI tenant Settings.
If you have added service principal as member
in workspace and also allowed below permissions from PowerBI tenant Settings
- Allow service principal to use read-only PowerBI Admin APIs
- Enhance admin APIs responses with detailed metadata
- Enhance admin APIs responses with DAX and mashup expressions
PowerBI Source would be able to ingest below listed metadata of that particular workspace
- Lineage
- PowerBI Dataset
- Endorsement as tag
- Dashboards
- Reports
- Dashboard Tiles
- Report Pages
- App
If you don't want to add a service principal as a member in your workspace, then you can enable the admin_apis_only: true
in recipe to use PowerBI Admin API only.
Caveats of setting admin_apis_only
to true
- Report's pages would not get ingested as page API is not available in PowerBI Admin API
- PowerBI Parameters would not get resolved to actual values while processing M-Query for table lineage
- Dataset profiling is unavailable, as it requires access to the workspace API
Basic Ingestion: Service Principal As Member In Workspace
If you have added service principal as member
in workspace then PowerBI Source would be able to ingest below metadata of that particular workspace
- Dashboards
- Reports
- Dashboard's Tiles
- Report's Pages
CLI based Ingestion
Starter Recipe
Check out the following recipe to get started with ingestion! See below for full configuration options.
For general pointers on writing and running a recipe, see our main recipe guide.
type: "powerbi"
# Your Power BI tenant identifier
tenant_id: a949d688-67c0-4bf1-a344-e939411c6c0a
# Azure AD Application identifier
client_id: foo
# Azure AD App client secret
client_secret: bar
# Ingest elements of below PowerBi Workspace into Datahub
- 4bd10256-e999-45dd-8e56-571c77153a5f
# Enable / Disable ingestion of ownership information for dashboards
extract_ownership: true
# Enable/Disable extracting workspace information to DataHub containers
extract_workspaces_to_containers: true
# Enable / Disable ingestion of endorsements.
# Please notice that this may overwrite any existing tags defined to ingested entities!
extract_endorsements_to_tags: false
# Optional -- This mapping is optional and only required to configure platform-instance for upstream tables
# A mapping of PowerBI datasource's server i.e host[:port] to data platform instance.
# :port is optional and only needed if your datasource server is running on non-standard port.
# For Google BigQuery the datasource's server is google bigquery project name
platform_instance: operational_instance
env: DEV
platform_instance: high_performance_production_unit
env: PROD
platform_instance: sn-2
env: QA
# Need admin_api, only ingest workspace that are modified since...
modified_since: "2023-02-10T00:00:00.0000000Z"
# create powerbi user as datahub corpuser, false will still extract ownership of workspace/ dashboards
create_corp_user: false
# use email to build user urn instead of powerbi user identifier
use_powerbi_email: true
# remove email suffix like @acryl.io
remove_email_suffix: true
# only ingest user with certain authority
owner_criteria: ["ReadWriteReshareExplore","Owner","Admin"]
# wrap powerbi tables (datahub dataset) under 1 powerbi dataset (datahub container)
extract_datasets_to_containers: true
# only ingest dataset that are endorsed, like "Certified"
- Certified
# extract powerbi dashboards and tiles
extract_dashboards: false
# extract powerbi dataset table schema
extract_dataset_schema: true
# Enable PowerBI dataset profiling
enabled: false
# Pattern to limit which resources to profile
# Matched resource format is following:
# workspace_name.dataset_name.table_name
- .*
# sink configs
Config Details
- Options
- Schema
Note that a .
is used to denote nested fields in the YAML recipe.
Field | Description |
client_id ✅ string | Azure app client identifier |
client_secret ✅ string | Azure app client secret |
tenant_id ✅ string | PowerBI tenant identifier |
admin_apis_only boolean | Retrieve metadata using PowerBI Admin API only. If this is enabled, then Report Pages will not be extracted. Admin API access is required if this setting is enabled Default: False |
convert_lineage_urns_to_lowercase boolean | Whether to convert the urns of ingested lineage dataset to lowercase Default: True |
convert_urns_to_lowercase boolean | Whether to convert the PowerBI assets urns to lowercase Default: False |
enable_advance_lineage_sql_construct boolean | Whether to enable advance native sql construct for parsing like join, sub-queries. along this flag , the native_query_parsing should be enabled. By default convert_lineage_urns_to_lowercase is enabled, in-case if you have disabled it in previous ingestion execution then it may break lineageas this option generates the upstream datasets URN in lowercase. Default: True |
extract_app boolean | Whether to ingest workspace app. Requires DataHub server 0.14.2+. Default: False |
extract_column_level_lineage boolean | Whether to extract column level lineage. Works only if configs native_query_parsing , enable_advance_lineage_sql_construct & extract_lineage are enabled.Works for M-Query where native SQL is used for transformation. Default: False |
extract_dashboards boolean | Whether to ingest PBI Dashboard and Tiles as Datahub Dashboard and Chart Default: True |
extract_dataset_schema boolean | Whether to ingest PBI Dataset Table columns and measures Default: True |
extract_datasets_to_containers boolean | PBI tables will be grouped under a Datahub Container, the container reflect a PBI Dataset Default: False |
extract_endorsements_to_tags boolean | Whether to extract endorsements to tags, note that this may overwrite existing tags. Admin API access is required if this setting is enabled. Default: False |
extract_independent_datasets boolean | Whether to extract datasets not used in any PowerBI visualization Default: False |
extract_lineage boolean | Whether lineage should be ingested between X and Y. Admin API access is required if this setting is enabled Default: True |
extract_ownership boolean | Whether ownership should be ingested. Admin API access is required if this setting is enabled. Note that enabling this may overwrite owners that you've added inside DataHub's web application. Default: False |
extract_reports boolean | Whether reports should be ingested Default: True |
extract_workspaces_to_containers boolean | Extract workspaces to DataHub containers Default: True |
include_workspace_name_in_dataset_urn boolean | It is recommended to set this to true, as it helps prevent the overwriting of datasets.Read section #11560 at https://datahubproject.io/docs/how/updating-datahub/ before enabling this option.To maintain backward compatibility, this is set to False. Default: False |
m_query_parse_timeout integer | Timeout for PowerBI M-query parsing in seconds. Table-level lineage is determined by analyzing the M-query expression. Increase this value if you encounter the 'M-Query Parsing Timeout' message in the connector report. Default: 70 |
modified_since string | Get only recently modified workspaces based on modified_since datetime '2023-02-10T00:00:00.0000000Z', excludeInActiveWorkspaces limit to last 30 days |
native_query_parsing boolean | Whether PowerBI native query should be parsed to extract lineage Default: True |
patch_metadata boolean | Patch dashboard metadata Default: True |
platform_instance string | The instance of the platform that all assets produced by this recipe belong to |
scan_batch_size integer | batch size for sending workspace_ids to PBI, 100 is the limit Default: 1 |
scan_timeout integer | timeout for PowerBI metadata scanning Default: 60 |
workspace_id_as_urn_part boolean | It is recommended to set this to True only if you have legacy workspaces based on Office 365 groups, as those workspaces can have identical names. To maintain backward compatibility, this is set to False which uses workspace name Default: False |
env string | The environment that all assets produced by this connector belong to Default: PROD |
filter_dataset_endorsements AllowDenyPattern | Filter and ingest datasets which are 'Certified' or 'Promoted' endorsement. If both are added, dataset which are 'Certified' or 'Promoted' will be ingested . Default setting allows all dataset to be ingested Default: {'allow': ['.*'], 'deny': [], 'ignoreCase': True} |
filter_dataset_endorsements.ignoreCase boolean | Whether to ignore case sensitivity during pattern matching. Default: True |
filter_dataset_endorsements.allow array | List of regex patterns to include in ingestion Default: ['.*'] |
filter_dataset_endorsements.allow.string string | |
filter_dataset_endorsements.deny array | List of regex patterns to exclude from ingestion. Default: [] |
filter_dataset_endorsements.deny.string string | |
ownership OwnershipMapping | Configure how is ownership ingested Default: {'create_corp_user': True, 'use_powerbi_email': Tr... |
ownership.create_corp_user boolean | Whether ingest PowerBI user as Datahub Corpuser Default: True |
ownership.dataset_configured_by_as_owner boolean | Take PBI dataset configuredBy as dataset owner if exist Default: False |
ownership.remove_email_suffix boolean | Remove PowerBI User email suffix for example, @acryl.io Default: False |
ownership.use_powerbi_email boolean | Use PowerBI User email to ingest as corpuser, default is powerbi user identifier Default: True |
ownership.owner_criteria array | Need to have certain authority to qualify as owner for example ['ReadWriteReshareExplore','Owner','Admin'] |
ownership.owner_criteria.string string | |
profile_pattern AllowDenyPattern | Regex patterns to filter tables for profiling during ingestion. Note that only tables allowed by the table_pattern will be considered. Matched format is 'workspacename.datasetname.tablename' Default: {'allow': ['.*'], 'deny': [], 'ignoreCase': True} |
profile_pattern.ignoreCase boolean | Whether to ignore case sensitivity during pattern matching. Default: True |
profile_pattern.allow array | List of regex patterns to include in ingestion Default: ['.*'] |
profile_pattern.allow.string string | |
profile_pattern.deny array | List of regex patterns to exclude from ingestion. Default: [] |
profile_pattern.deny.string string | |
server_to_platform_instance One of map(str,union), map(str,union) | |
server_to_platform_instance. key .platform_instancestring | DataHub platform instance name. To generate correct urn for upstream dataset, this should match with platform instance name used in ingestion recipe of other datahub sources. |
server_to_platform_instance. key .metastore ❓string | Databricks Unity Catalog metastore name. |
server_to_platform_instance. key .envstring | The environment that all assets produced by DataHub platform ingestion source belong to Default: PROD |
workspace_id_pattern AllowDenyPattern | Regex patterns to filter PowerBI workspaces in ingestion. Note: This field works in conjunction with 'workspace_type_filter' and both must be considered when filtering workspaces. Default: {'allow': ['.*'], 'deny': [], 'ignoreCase': True} |
workspace_id_pattern.ignoreCase boolean | Whether to ignore case sensitivity during pattern matching. Default: True |
workspace_id_pattern.allow array | List of regex patterns to include in ingestion Default: ['.*'] |
workspace_id_pattern.allow.string string | |
workspace_id_pattern.deny array | List of regex patterns to exclude from ingestion. Default: [] |
workspace_id_pattern.deny.string string | |
workspace_type_filter array | Ingest the metadata of the workspace where the workspace type corresponds to the specified workspace_type_filter. Note: This field works in conjunction with 'workspace_id_pattern'. Both must be matched for a workspace to be processed. Default: ['Workspace'] |
workspace_type_filter.enum Enum | One of: "Workspace", "PersonalGroup", "Personal", "AdminWorkspace", "AdminInsights" |
profiling PowerBiProfilingConfig | Default: {'enabled': False} |
profiling.enabled boolean | Whether profiling of PowerBI datasets should be done Default: False |
stateful_ingestion StatefulStaleMetadataRemovalConfig | PowerBI Stateful Ingestion Config. |
stateful_ingestion.enabled boolean | Whether or not to enable stateful ingest. Default: True if a pipeline_name is set and either a datahub-rest sink or datahub_api is specified, otherwise False Default: False |
stateful_ingestion.remove_stale_metadata boolean | Soft-deletes the entities present in the last successful run but missing in the current run with stateful_ingestion enabled. Default: True |
The JSONSchema for this configuration is inlined below.
"title": "PowerBiDashboardSourceConfig",
"description": "Base configuration class for stateful ingestion for source configs to inherit from.",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"env": {
"title": "Env",
"description": "The environment that all assets produced by this connector belong to",
"default": "PROD",
"type": "string"
"platform_instance": {
"title": "Platform Instance",
"description": "The instance of the platform that all assets produced by this recipe belong to",
"type": "string"
"stateful_ingestion": {
"title": "Stateful Ingestion",
"description": "PowerBI Stateful Ingestion Config.",
"allOf": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/StatefulStaleMetadataRemovalConfig"
"tenant_id": {
"title": "Tenant Id",
"description": "PowerBI tenant identifier",
"type": "string"
"workspace_id_pattern": {
"title": "Workspace Id Pattern",
"description": "Regex patterns to filter PowerBI workspaces in ingestion. Note: This field works in conjunction with 'workspace_type_filter' and both must be considered when filtering workspaces.",
"default": {
"allow": [
"deny": [],
"ignoreCase": true
"allOf": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/AllowDenyPattern"
"server_to_platform_instance": {
"title": "Server To Platform Instance",
"description": "A mapping of PowerBI datasource's server i.e host[:port] to Data platform instance. :port is optional and only needed if your datasource server is running on non-standard port. For Google BigQuery the datasource's server is google bigquery project name. For Databricks Unity Catalog the datasource's server is workspace FQDN.",
"default": {},
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": {
"anyOf": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/PlatformDetail"
"$ref": "#/definitions/DataBricksPlatformDetail"
"client_id": {
"title": "Client Id",
"description": "Azure app client identifier",
"type": "string"
"client_secret": {
"title": "Client Secret",
"description": "Azure app client secret",
"type": "string"
"scan_timeout": {
"title": "Scan Timeout",
"description": "timeout for PowerBI metadata scanning",
"default": 60,
"type": "integer"
"scan_batch_size": {
"title": "Scan Batch Size",
"description": "batch size for sending workspace_ids to PBI, 100 is the limit",
"default": 1,
"exclusiveMinimum": 0,
"maximum": 100,
"type": "integer"
"workspace_id_as_urn_part": {
"title": "Workspace Id As Urn Part",
"description": "It is recommended to set this to True only if you have legacy workspaces based on Office 365 groups, as those workspaces can have identical names. To maintain backward compatibility, this is set to False which uses workspace name",
"default": false,
"type": "boolean"
"extract_ownership": {
"title": "Extract Ownership",
"description": "Whether ownership should be ingested. Admin API access is required if this setting is enabled. Note that enabling this may overwrite owners that you've added inside DataHub's web application.",
"default": false,
"type": "boolean"
"extract_reports": {
"title": "Extract Reports",
"description": "Whether reports should be ingested",
"default": true,
"type": "boolean"
"ownership": {
"title": "Ownership",
"description": "Configure how is ownership ingested",
"default": {
"create_corp_user": true,
"use_powerbi_email": true,
"remove_email_suffix": false,
"dataset_configured_by_as_owner": false,
"owner_criteria": null
"allOf": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/OwnershipMapping"
"modified_since": {
"title": "Modified Since",
"description": "Get only recently modified workspaces based on modified_since datetime '2023-02-10T00:00:00.0000000Z', excludeInActiveWorkspaces limit to last 30 days",
"type": "string"
"extract_dashboards": {
"title": "Extract Dashboards",
"description": "Whether to ingest PBI Dashboard and Tiles as Datahub Dashboard and Chart",
"default": true,
"type": "boolean"
"extract_dataset_schema": {
"title": "Extract Dataset Schema",
"description": "Whether to ingest PBI Dataset Table columns and measures",
"default": true,
"type": "boolean"
"extract_lineage": {
"title": "Extract Lineage",
"description": "Whether lineage should be ingested between X and Y. Admin API access is required if this setting is enabled",
"default": true,
"type": "boolean"
"extract_endorsements_to_tags": {
"title": "Extract Endorsements To Tags",
"description": "Whether to extract endorsements to tags, note that this may overwrite existing tags. Admin API access is required if this setting is enabled.",
"default": false,
"type": "boolean"
"filter_dataset_endorsements": {
"title": "Filter Dataset Endorsements",
"description": "Filter and ingest datasets which are 'Certified' or 'Promoted' endorsement. If both are added, dataset which are 'Certified' or 'Promoted' will be ingested . Default setting allows all dataset to be ingested",
"default": {
"allow": [
"deny": [],
"ignoreCase": true
"allOf": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/AllowDenyPattern"
"extract_workspaces_to_containers": {
"title": "Extract Workspaces To Containers",
"description": "Extract workspaces to DataHub containers",
"default": true,
"type": "boolean"
"extract_datasets_to_containers": {
"title": "Extract Datasets To Containers",
"description": "PBI tables will be grouped under a Datahub Container, the container reflect a PBI Dataset",
"default": false,
"type": "boolean"
"native_query_parsing": {
"title": "Native Query Parsing",
"description": "Whether PowerBI native query should be parsed to extract lineage",
"default": true,
"type": "boolean"
"convert_urns_to_lowercase": {
"title": "Convert Urns To Lowercase",
"description": "Whether to convert the PowerBI assets urns to lowercase",
"default": false,
"type": "boolean"
"convert_lineage_urns_to_lowercase": {
"title": "Convert Lineage Urns To Lowercase",
"description": "Whether to convert the urns of ingested lineage dataset to lowercase",
"default": true,
"type": "boolean"
"admin_apis_only": {
"title": "Admin Apis Only",
"description": "Retrieve metadata using PowerBI Admin API only. If this is enabled, then Report Pages will not be extracted. Admin API access is required if this setting is enabled",
"default": false,
"type": "boolean"
"extract_independent_datasets": {
"title": "Extract Independent Datasets",
"description": "Whether to extract datasets not used in any PowerBI visualization",
"default": false,
"type": "boolean"
"enable_advance_lineage_sql_construct": {
"title": "Enable Advance Lineage Sql Construct",
"description": "Whether to enable advance native sql construct for parsing like join, sub-queries. along this flag , the native_query_parsing should be enabled. By default convert_lineage_urns_to_lowercase is enabled, in-case if you have disabled it in previous ingestion execution then it may break lineageas this option generates the upstream datasets URN in lowercase.",
"default": true,
"type": "boolean"
"extract_column_level_lineage": {
"title": "Extract Column Level Lineage",
"description": "Whether to extract column level lineage. Works only if configs `native_query_parsing`, `enable_advance_lineage_sql_construct` & `extract_lineage` are enabled.Works for M-Query where native SQL is used for transformation.",
"default": false,
"type": "boolean"
"profile_pattern": {
"title": "Profile Pattern",
"description": "Regex patterns to filter tables for profiling during ingestion. Note that only tables allowed by the `table_pattern` will be considered. Matched format is 'workspacename.datasetname.tablename'",
"default": {
"allow": [
"deny": [],
"ignoreCase": true
"allOf": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/AllowDenyPattern"
"profiling": {
"title": "Profiling",
"default": {
"enabled": false
"allOf": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/PowerBiProfilingConfig"
"patch_metadata": {
"title": "Patch Metadata",
"description": "Patch dashboard metadata",
"default": true,
"type": "boolean"
"workspace_type_filter": {
"title": "Workspace Type Filter",
"description": "Ingest the metadata of the workspace where the workspace type corresponds to the specified workspace_type_filter. Note: This field works in conjunction with 'workspace_id_pattern'. Both must be matched for a workspace to be processed.",
"default": [
"type": "array",
"items": {
"enum": [
"type": "string"
"include_workspace_name_in_dataset_urn": {
"title": "Include Workspace Name In Dataset Urn",
"description": "It is recommended to set this to true, as it helps prevent the overwriting of datasets.Read section #11560 at https://datahubproject.io/docs/how/updating-datahub/ before enabling this option.To maintain backward compatibility, this is set to False.",
"default": false,
"type": "boolean"
"extract_app": {
"title": "Extract App",
"description": "Whether to ingest workspace app. Requires DataHub server 0.14.2+.",
"default": false,
"type": "boolean"
"m_query_parse_timeout": {
"title": "M Query Parse Timeout",
"description": "Timeout for PowerBI M-query parsing in seconds. Table-level lineage is determined by analyzing the M-query expression. Increase this value if you encounter the 'M-Query Parsing Timeout' message in the connector report.",
"default": 70,
"type": "integer"
"required": [
"additionalProperties": false,
"definitions": {
"DynamicTypedStateProviderConfig": {
"title": "DynamicTypedStateProviderConfig",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"type": {
"title": "Type",
"description": "The type of the state provider to use. For DataHub use `datahub`",
"type": "string"
"config": {
"title": "Config",
"description": "The configuration required for initializing the state provider. Default: The datahub_api config if set at pipeline level. Otherwise, the default DatahubClientConfig. See the defaults (https://github.com/datahub-project/datahub/blob/master/metadata-ingestion/src/datahub/ingestion/graph/client.py#L19).",
"default": {},
"type": "object"
"required": [
"additionalProperties": false
"StatefulStaleMetadataRemovalConfig": {
"title": "StatefulStaleMetadataRemovalConfig",
"description": "Base specialized config for Stateful Ingestion with stale metadata removal capability.",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"enabled": {
"title": "Enabled",
"description": "Whether or not to enable stateful ingest. Default: True if a pipeline_name is set and either a datahub-rest sink or `datahub_api` is specified, otherwise False",
"default": false,
"type": "boolean"
"remove_stale_metadata": {
"title": "Remove Stale Metadata",
"description": "Soft-deletes the entities present in the last successful run but missing in the current run with stateful_ingestion enabled.",
"default": true,
"type": "boolean"
"additionalProperties": false
"AllowDenyPattern": {
"title": "AllowDenyPattern",
"description": "A class to store allow deny regexes",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"allow": {
"title": "Allow",
"description": "List of regex patterns to include in ingestion",
"default": [
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"deny": {
"title": "Deny",
"description": "List of regex patterns to exclude from ingestion.",
"default": [],
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"ignoreCase": {
"title": "Ignorecase",
"description": "Whether to ignore case sensitivity during pattern matching.",
"default": true,
"type": "boolean"
"additionalProperties": false
"PlatformDetail": {
"title": "PlatformDetail",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"platform_instance": {
"title": "Platform Instance",
"description": "DataHub platform instance name. To generate correct urn for upstream dataset, this should match with platform instance name used in ingestion recipe of other datahub sources.",
"type": "string"
"env": {
"title": "Env",
"description": "The environment that all assets produced by DataHub platform ingestion source belong to",
"default": "PROD",
"type": "string"
"additionalProperties": false
"DataBricksPlatformDetail": {
"title": "DataBricksPlatformDetail",
"description": "metastore is an additional field used in Databricks connector to generate the dataset urn",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"platform_instance": {
"title": "Platform Instance",
"description": "DataHub platform instance name. To generate correct urn for upstream dataset, this should match with platform instance name used in ingestion recipe of other datahub sources.",
"type": "string"
"env": {
"title": "Env",
"description": "The environment that all assets produced by DataHub platform ingestion source belong to",
"default": "PROD",
"type": "string"
"metastore": {
"title": "Metastore",
"description": "Databricks Unity Catalog metastore name.",
"type": "string"
"required": [
"additionalProperties": false
"OwnershipMapping": {
"title": "OwnershipMapping",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"create_corp_user": {
"title": "Create Corp User",
"description": "Whether ingest PowerBI user as Datahub Corpuser",
"default": true,
"type": "boolean"
"use_powerbi_email": {
"title": "Use Powerbi Email",
"description": "Use PowerBI User email to ingest as corpuser, default is powerbi user identifier",
"default": true,
"type": "boolean"
"remove_email_suffix": {
"title": "Remove Email Suffix",
"description": "Remove PowerBI User email suffix for example, @acryl.io",
"default": false,
"type": "boolean"
"dataset_configured_by_as_owner": {
"title": "Dataset Configured By As Owner",
"description": "Take PBI dataset configuredBy as dataset owner if exist",
"default": false,
"type": "boolean"
"owner_criteria": {
"title": "Owner Criteria",
"description": "Need to have certain authority to qualify as owner for example ['ReadWriteReshareExplore','Owner','Admin']",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"additionalProperties": false
"PowerBiProfilingConfig": {
"title": "PowerBiProfilingConfig",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"enabled": {
"title": "Enabled",
"description": "Whether profiling of PowerBI datasets should be done",
"default": false,
"type": "boolean"
"additionalProperties": false
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If you've got any questions on configuring ingestion for PowerBI, feel free to ping us on our Slack.